Yesterday I launched the page of my research project on Facebook with the aim of reaching out to a diversified audience of scholars and enthusiasts of African fashion.

My mission is to enhance the appreciation of Africa’s contribution to culture-oriented fashion and creative work in and outside academia. This means I will not use the platform to just promote my own writing, but to facilitate a dialogue on fashion-focused creativity in the continent. To this end, I will collect material on cultural and socio-conscious practices in the 2.0 and 3.0 environment and try and engage other lifestyle platforms within the pre-existing network of Afro-centric destinations on FB.

I plan to publish at least two posts a day and share relevant posts by users/fellow pages. I will also create monographic fashion-and-style photo boards showcasing the work of interesting creatives.

I have also been working on launching my own website in the first half of 2016, which will featured artwork by my favorite artist Mary Cinque.

So stay in touch for this and more exciting developments! In the meantime, if you’d like to be featured, contribute, or simply make friends please step up, I look forward to receiving your feedback and collaborating!