The Malian photographer has just released images of a recent shooting for the Finnish magazine SSAW, featuring Ivorian model Zoe Alayrangues and styled by Azza Yousif
A research project on African fashion digitalities
The Malian photographer has just released images of a recent shooting for the Finnish magazine SSAW, featuring Ivorian model Zoe Alayrangues and styled by Azza Yousif
The Research Collective for Decolonizing Fashion is a transnational network of scholars that was established to highlight diversity in fashion and encourage investigation of non-European systems and cross-cultural perspectives on them. I contributed a post to their blog, sharing some figures in support of my thesis that the cultural work around street fashion that happens on Instagram advances an alternative …
Last month an article on Afrosartorialism appeared in Italian in Il Giornale delle Fondazioni. I’m especially happy about this feature because this is Italy’s principal platform focusing on cultural governance and innovation. I have been in touch with the author, Claudio Calveri who is digital strategy at DeRev Lab and expert of cultural innovation, since the beginning of my research. …